
ADF&PCD and PLD Paris postpones to January 2022

Planned June event postponed to January 2022 amid ongoing short-term uncertainty relating to the pandemic; while activities to connect the community will be strengthened

Easyfairs, the organiser of ADF&PCD and PLD Paris, the world’s leading event for perfume, cosmetics and premium drinks packaging and aerosol and dispensing technology, today announces that the event will be postponed from 22 & 23 June 2021 to 19 & 20 January 2022.

The decision to move the dates of the event has been taken in consultation with the event’s many stakeholders across the industry in response to the continuing force majeure situation relating to the Coronavirus pandemic. Notably, the ongoing ban on face-to-face events of all sizes, the continuing restrictions relating to the pandemic, the current progression of the virus in France and elsewhere and the new lockdowns imposed in Paris and other French regions have made it impossible to organise the event in the short term.

Renan Joel, Divisional Director for Easyfairs UK & Global’s packaging events in the UK and France, states: “While we are saddened to have to postpone the event for a second time, our exhibitors, visitors and association partners have expressed their overwhelming support for the new dates - and for the crucial role that ADF&PCD and PLD Paris plays in creating connections and opportunities for everyone involved in packaging innovation in the markets it serves.”

While face-to-face events are not viable in the short term, ADF&PCD and PLD Paris is strengthening its activities to connect and drive packaging innovation for the communities it serves in the French and international beauty, luxury, drinks and aerosol industries.

This week, the first ADF&PCD and PLD Digital Days will take place, offering a unique opportunity for packaging developers, designers and suppliers to learn about the latest thinking and opportunities in packaging innovation. Speakers will include senior packaging experts from some of the world’s top brands in the beauty, drinks and FMCG markets as well as from the market’s most innovative suppliers. In addition, the shortlists for the 2021 edition of the ADF&PCD and PLD Innovations Awards will be announced. Full details are available at

Alongside the Digital Days, ADF&PCD and PLD Paris has strengthened its social media activities and now has the biggest following of any premium packaging-focused account on Instagram, bringing daily packaging inspiration to more than 10,000 followers. In addition, a new regular series of Innovation Talks webinars will launch in the spring, while a strengthened website and fortnightly newsletter are already bringing a range of exclusive content to the community.

Joel adds: “ADF&PCD and PLD Paris is committed to creating the best possible environment for our community to meet, solve its challenges and drive future innovations. I am excited that we are creating new channels to fulfil this mission and that we are seeing a great response from our community to the initiatives we have already launched.

“The past year has been extremely challenging for everyone in the packaging supply chain and at Easyfairs we are very proud to work with an industry that has shown such resilience since the start of the pandemic; and has played such a crucial role at every stage of helping governments and society respond to Covid. While we are naturally sad to have to postpone the 2021 edition of ADF&PCD and PLD Paris, we are very excited to reunite the community in Paris in January 2022 and to building the future of this wonderful industry together.

“I would like to thank our many partners among our exhibitors, visitors, associations and media for their ongoing support for the event and I look forward to working with them all to deliver a fantastic edition of ADF&PCD and PLD Paris in 2022.”

For further information on these initiatives, on the 2021 Innovation Awards, on the Digital Days and on 2022 event and the industry-leading measures that will be in place to ensure a safe visit for everyone, visit

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