
Perfektüp - New facility in Kırklareli is nearing completion

Perfektüp was founded in 1955 but began its aluminium packaging production in 1957. With a capacity of around 160 million Aerosol Cans, the company is the largest producer in Turkey, and one of the largest in Europe. Additionally Perfektüp exports its finished goods to over 50 countries in the world.

It became clear some years ago that to keep up with the growing demand for the aerosol market, Perfektüp would need to increase its capacity. Being located in Topkapı, Istanbul’s old industrial centre, the company was severely restricted in its ability to do this. As it stands, the aerosol production is already separated into two locations. You can imagine all the issues that come from having to keep both facilities running inside a large urban environment, with issues stemming from heavy traffic and narrow roads. Topkapı specifically is rapidly being developed into a residential area, meaning factories in the area will eventually all have to move. With all these issues in mind, Kırklareli was the perfect location to move the production. Its location between the European border of Turkey and Istanbul provides many advantages to both reach the main customers in Turkey and Europe, and to optimize the production and logistics operations. Coming back to the original problem, the new location will finally have spare room to increase the capacity further, allowing Perfektüp to better serve its customers. Although the plot was originally purchased in 2017, the construction began in 2020. The first new aerosol line is planned to be installed by June,with a second line arriving later this year. The remaining lines will then be moved one at a time in a way that will not impact the capacity or the service level.

The first aerosol line will be installedthis June

It is planned to produce aerosol cans for the cosmetic industry up to diameter 53. In that regard this will be very similar to the kind of production Perfektüp is already doing in its old facilities. However, the company plans to eventually start producing larger diameters.

Sustainability is very important to Perfektüp, as a result the new plant in Kırklareli has been designed to minimize the company’s impact on the environment. To this aim environmentally friendly materials have been used in the construction process. Once completed, the facility will be internationally certified as a LEED green building. Waste gasses will be treated before being released in the atmosphere using a state-of-the-art RTOsystem, thus minimizing their environmental impact. As already done at theTopkapı and Hadımköy plants, aluminium scraps will be collected and sent back to our suppliers to be recycled. Water used in the sinks and from production will be treated within the factory and reused. Rainwater will also be collected on the plant’s roof and be stored for uses such as irrigation and fire suppression. The plant’s roof will also be covered in solar panels which will generate electricity and cover part of our energy needs. Finally, other waste will be sorted and recycled.

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